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I am grateful to people who make our world a little better. So, let me introduce you to one of them, Morea Sabido. I met Morea as she gave out free diapers and baby clothes for new mothers at a Giving Youth Opportunities event several years ago. Morea later contacted me to take pictures at her Community Loving events ( in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.
At Community Loving events people are given essentials they may need, such as clothes, baby items, toiletries, school supplies, toys, books and more. There are also activities, including children’s games, book readings, face painting, etc. At these events, other nonprofit organizations set up booths to either give away items or explain their free services. The events are meant to be helpful and fun.
What impresses me is that all the items given away are donated. All the people working at the event are volunteers. They do not raise much money, but they can use some. Their highest overhead expense is the rental of their storage unit to hold the donations. Community Loving is about the people in the community helping each other.
I selected images to give you a brief picture of their events and to show some very beautiful faces.